Friday, April 25, 2008

OH WHAT A DAY I HAD TODAY! (a tribute to Ilene and Morgan)

We'll let the pictures tell the story....

The lines are now open for your calls.



MACYS said...

Ilene and Morgan shared some great news with us today and we couldn't help but want to share the happiness. We posted this with Ilene and Morgans endorsement...Obviously they gave us the pics to work with. We wanted to call everybody but she should tell about her day. So call her if she doesn't call you first. She was trying to soak up the day without filling it full of repeating the story over and over.

Bastian Duo said...

We are so excited for the both of them! We can't wait to meet Morgan.

kelsey said...

YAY! i'm so so SHOCKED and EXCiTED!! Of course Ilene & i are getting married at the same couldn't be any better.

Jenn Mobbs said...

Awesome!! I had no idea but we are so excited for them! When's the wedding and where?

Heidi said...

I'm so glad y'all shared the pictures with us all. We couldn't be more happy!! Yeah, a family get-together coming up!!

Moore Family said...

I was so excited I just called Ilene, and then realized when I got her voice mail that it is 5:15 am. Whoops! Thanks for the great photos!! Of course, Steve wants his full name and date of birth, as typical he wants to investigate...

Moore Family said...

A full set of fingerprints or DNA sample would also be nice.


julib said...

Very Cute couple! Manu happy wishes to them and the author of this blog :)

Jen B said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!This is just fabulous news. I'm so excited and happy and I can't wait until the wedding! WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Morgan and Ilene.

Teneil said...

Wow, those pictures told it all. Send my congrats to Ilene. She looks very happy and in Loooooove.