Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Well it's been too long since I last checked-in and reported to the world. A lot has transpired for this mad Macy family. Let me just start by saying one word that sums up our last two weeks.......MOLD!!!!! Are you screaming??? I have been and pulling out my hair. I don't mean I'm a lousy housekeeper quite the contrary, really. I mean there has been toxic mold living with us, in our walls and we have been none the wiser until now! All this time, I've been wondering how to get Calvin better, how to get myself feeling better and to keep a healthy family, it's a full time job you know and a huge weight on my shoulders. To my relief as I sigh, I have found that nasty, dirty little culprit.....MOLD! (Screaming is heard in my head every time I hear the word.) Apparently toxic mold can cause a number of health problems, like brain damage (that explains my problem. HA.), nausea, head aches, stomach aches, enlarged glands, digestive problems, sleep disturbances, mood disorders, cancer, and the list goes on and on!!!!!!

I have been searching and struggling for answers for years and never once received any viable help from my primary care doctor or the children's pediatrician. They would do tests and say nothing is wrong with us........oh really? How do you explain two fevers a month for a five year old? 

Finally I was lead to Dr. Joiner who runs a holistic healing clinic. I found him through my natural medicine contacts and it was a miracle, a God send. There they performed live blood tests. Which is a prick of blood from the finger and put straight under a microscope. It is so amazing to see your blood live. The doc found fungus and yeast at a high level in our blood. They also found large amounts of bacteria. It also shows that our bodies are not digesting protein or carbohydrates efficiently. The kicker though was we all had radical cell damage at a high level. If you don't know what that means, it means that we are aging fast at an alarming rate. What?  Is that possible? I did feel really old because of all the strain of solving a mystery. The Dr. said he has never seen this in children. He turns to me and says this has to be environmental, at which point he asks, "Do you have mold(still hear screaming in my head) in your house? " Now, there is mold and then there is the queen mother of mold. Apparently, the meanest mold alive has been nick-named "The Black Duchess." That's the deadly stuff that no one's wants growing between their walls. Now we don't know for sure if that is what we had, but the Dr. was a contractor before he was a Dr. and he explained that if we have mold growing visibly on our walls than it's on the inside of the walls as well. Every winter the walls perspire and water pools at the base board. It was so bad last winter that I found mold growing up the wall in my closet and on my clothes. Needless to say, I either tossed it out or took it to the cleaners.

We had someone come out and test our walls for moisture. Every exterior wall had moisture at unsafe levels, hence breeding ground for mold. After accumulating all this information, one night I got on line and looked at the worst case scenarios that can result from living with toxic mold and it almost put me over the edge. I went into J-P and told him that I was driving to Utah or Idaho or where ever, but I was not going to spend one more night in that house. He almost fell out of bed and he thought I was being a bit looney. I was dead serious and the next morning we started packing. Luckily, I didn't drive any farther than Auburn and we stayed at our friend Brent's house for about four nights. J-P's sister extended her house to us, fortunately they were vacationing in Hawaii and worked out splendid for timing. Now we are staying in a temporary house not far from where we were. Still in Citrus Heights, but mold free, and one more bedroom and bathroom than we had! We feel so grateful to our friends who have let us stay in their rental while they are trying to short-sell it. Such a blessing.
In the mean-time while we are looking for a new residence for ourselves, I am trying to clean everything that we are taking out of the mold-infested house. We are also cleaning out our bodies as well. They say it takes about three months.
Any who, we are quite well considering and moving forward with positive motion.


Bastian Duo said...

WOW!! We had no idea. That would have been a wonderful surprise if you would have come to Idaho for awhile. Let us know how we can help!

julib said...

That is a pain in the butt to have to remediate all of that. But what a relief to finally know what was causing Calvin's problems. I don't blame you for freakin out a little! or A lot! prayers for you all!

Jenn Mobbs said...

Scary!! I am so glad that you have been able to get this somewhat figured out! I hope you see rapid improvements. Good luck!

Jen B said...

What a blessing you found out! How do you clean everything so as to kill the spores?