Sunday, November 6, 2011

Catching up!

I apologize to all those who have been following our family blog!  Once you get behind it's so hard to pick back up where I left off!  Life is so crazy, but it's so good. We are all well!
 For this post, I am not breaking things up how they happened in a sequence of events.  Rather, I am just throwing everything at you in sort of a piece meal, al-a-carte, what have you.  That's how life feels anyway. 

Miss Coco has been attending preschool one day a week on Thursdays for about three hours. She loves it more than anything.  Whenever I say "school" she says,"YAY!"  She asks about going everyday when the boys go off to school.  Thursday is when I go help out at Calvin's school.

She loves wearing her back-pack even though it's as big as her.

Sir Master Oliver played soccer this fall and he was a GIANT out on the field.  At one game, a coach on the opposing team asked how old he was because he towered over all his kids. Oliver is a natural and every game he never had less than three goals.  One game he had five!  He asked me if I can sign him up again!

When Ilene and Morgan came to town we went out one night and enjoyed a dinner together at a Thai restaurant.  They snapped of photo of us and we......

Snapped a photo of them!  They are always great company and good for some laughs!

Oliver loves to climb.

Cousins together.  Cosette liked having someone younger than her that she could boss around. Although, she can hold her own with her two older brothers as well. This could be a girl thing!

Used the wrong soap in a pinch woila!, had soap-sudds everywhere! Yikes!

Magic potion # 1.  They boys spent a lot of time mixing and stirring and what a surprise! It's artwork!

J-P's last minute purchase to go on his coveted bike ride with his best mates.

Water break for Oliver at practice.

We have acquired two frogs that we found out at Grandpa's ranch in the pump shed.  Their names are 'Hopper' and 'Chopper' named by the boys.  Pictured above is Hopper and Cosette has a strange kinship to that one in particular.  And stranger than that, it likes her in return. It stays on her arm and she'll walk through the house and it never jumps off.

First day of school for the Macy lads!  Calvin is doing great in first grade and Oliver is in Jr. kindergarten.  He could of gone to kindergarten this year, but we decided to wait.  I thought it was strange he was showing anxiety about it and so I thought why push?

Calvin is quirky as ever!

On J-P's ride he stopped to visit my mom!  She always has loved J-P, and who doesn't?  My mom is doing really well in her new care home and she is very happy. The only problem is she keeps gaining weight.  I'm not sure if it's because she forgets she eats and eats more than shes use to or maybe it's a combination of that and a lack of exercise.

J-P's travel log

Dan and Aaron

Dan-you are a crack-up!

Dan! You look like Hugh Jackman is this picture!


bontovi said...

i LOVE your family! keep it postin':).

Whitings said...

I love the pic of Coco in the blue velvet jacket on the profile side, memories! That was great of JP to stop and visit mom, and yes she does love him. Thanks for the update.