Sunday, August 3, 2008


This is the card Brent made for Christi.
Could there be a groovier babe?

Today is the birthday of the love of my life!
Last night we celebrated with Ilene and Morgan and our friend Brent by going to "The Fire House" Restaurant in Old Town Sacramento. It was quite an experience. The Fire House is a five star restaurant and needless to say many of us needed some translation for the menu. We returned home and enjoyed a movie together.
Unfortunately later that night Christi fell terribly sick and not left either the bed or the toilet all day. Rough way to celebrate 31. She is amazing though. Still giving of her love to us all through out. Christi I am so thankful I have you in my life. You have accomplished so much and set such a great example to me and the boys. Thank you for all you do and being all that you are.


Moore Family said...

I'm so sorry you got sick Christi! That's not how bdays are supposed to play out. If you go by Jenn's theory tho, we only remember events when something "bad" or unusual happens. So when you look back at your 31st celebration, you'll laugh and remember it well. Anyway hope you're 100% now. Be sure to celebrate all week to commemorate YOU!

JP great photos. Thanks for making Christi's life so sweet. You're a gem.

Jenn Mobbs said...

Happy Burthday Christi!! I love the picture of the two of you in front of the Jeep. I too am sorry that you got sick. I hope you are feeling better.

Jenn Mobbs said...

Sorry about the spelling. Trying to type with children on my lap.

The Bastian's said...

My dear sister, I love and respect all that you are! You give us all strength to find the best within us! Keep up the good work. Happy, Happy birthday.I love you much more than I let you know.-Ryan

Bastian Duo said...

Sorry to hear that you were sick on your birthday. I hope that the boys spoiled you. Love all of the pictures, it brought back memories for Dan (your jeep and snapper).