Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jaunuary Update

We spent some time at the beach over New Years with the Thompsons and it was a delight. We actually had clear weather. 

This was our view from the balcony of the beach house.  Elk!  Calvin was so intrigued, he wanted to get as close as possible.  And we came with in about twenty feet.  I have never seen elk so calm and to be able to get close without them spooking.  Elk at the beach, go figure.

Cosette trying to dress herself. This girl is Miss Independent! She insists on doing everything herself.  In some ways I like it, but in others, it can be very frustrating.

This outfit was given to her by her Aunty Kimberly. So cute!

Oliver in the sea grass.

 Pine Wood derby!  We were at it again.....unofficially.

We seem to like a patriotic theme, two years in a row now. Our cars are the ones in the middle, the hummer being Calvin's and then the cars on either side.

 The fierce line up.

They didn't place, but by the time they make it to scouts, maybe we will have all the kinks worked out.

Calvin is in basketball and is liking it. He is not quite sure how to play the game yet, he likes to guard his opponent when he is playing offense. lol

Oliver is shooting some hoops at school for Dad's day.

It's not a very clear picture, but everything is covered in snow. It was beautiful while it lasted which was not even a night. When we woke up it was all gone.

We acquired a piano!  It's a player piano, that needs some miner tuning. Calvin is going to start lessons soon.

The Salazars came to visit us from California!  We had fun going to the beach, the gorge and out on the town one night.


Bastian Duo said...

That is crazy; I've never even heard of elk at the coast.

Whitings said...

I didn't know that Elk hung around the beach, interesting! The pinewood derby, well, all I can say is get on line and follow the advice on how to make a fast car, we've not had much luck!:( The fun comes in spending time with dad and making the design.
Congrats on the piano!

Ryan and Whit said...

I love that when you post you post TONS of pictures! Nice job on the pine wood derby cars, we are way jealous! We miss you guys!