Sunday, May 10, 2020

Is Your Religion Making You Judgmental?

Ever find yourself walking into church and feel like the people in the pews don't really accept you for the way you are? Or there's an heir of judgement? Maybe your heels are too high, or that dress you love, in their opinion, is too snug?

It could be that maybe you don't follow all of the rules and it bugs them because they do, so why not me?  Maybe they would like me more, if they could control me.

 There is a certain mold that religion takes on, especially Latter Day Saints and it tends to make everyone act the same, think the same, and talk the same. What if you are the one that is different?

Lets take the Word of Wisdom for example.  Our religion says that it's a sin to drink coffee, tea or alcohol.  Yet, soda with artificial sweetener or high fructose corn syrup is ok? How does that make sense?  The WOW is supposed to be a health guide to keep our bodies healthy, clean and strong.

It's been proven that the artificial sweetener causes cancer and high fructose corn syrup causes weight gain. Coffee is chuck full of magnesium and other minerals that are so good for the mind and body. If you are like me and can look beyond the rules that don't make sense, this makes you a rebel. Rebels are shunned in a church setting. Religious people judge those that don't follow the rules. If you are going to church for the rules, you are missing the point of what worship is really all about.

Written by Christiana Bastian Macy

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