Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oak Creek Talent Show

Calvin carries the Bastian name and by golly, he takes after my side. So much so that I can't help but think of Dad sometimes.  His school has a annual talent show and he wanted to get up and tell his jokes. For those of you who were in Idaho last summer, you've heard the pirate joke that Paxton heckled him for.  That was his main comedy with some other jokes mingled in there.  He wanted to wear a pirate costume for his act, so I left him to his own creative devices.  He got his audience to laugh and after the show he told his very proud parents, "I had so much fun up there and I loved it when the people laughed!"  I can only say where is the inhibition?  Calvin was in Kindergarten. The girls next to him did their rendition of the Thriller.

1 comment:

Bastian Duo said...

So cute!! What a handsome pirate!