Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Partners in Crime

These two are always having fun together.

"We're taking this dirty laundry, don't try to stop us, and nobody will get hurt!"

Believe it or not, this was not posed or staged in any way. Mommy just caught them doing there thing. We believe it was a rehearsal gig. Getting ready for the next big score. They like to consider themselves a pair of Robin Hoods, only they have only managed to get some dominos into there pockets, and they never spread the wealth.

Here comes Disney's G rated Miami Vice Kids. Look out Sunny, Oliver's got you figured out!

Once they figured out which end of the gun to hold, they really fell into character.


Bastian Duo said...

Nice catch Christi!

Amanda said...

thats awesome! Can't wait for my boys to play together like that!